Just like any other animal, including pets and livstock, it is possible for your hedgehog to become ill and require treatment. It can be very dangerous to wait until you need a vet before you try to find one. You should always know of at least one vet in your area who can treat hedgehogs before you have an issue.
Hedgehogs are not very common in many areas, and this is often reflected by the number of vets that will treat them. Not all veterinarians will, or are able to treat hedgehogs.
If you need a hedgehog veterinarian in the Morgantown, WV area, it is best to go to the Cheat Lake Animal Hospital.
Common Illness
If your hedgehog is properly fed, clean, and has the proper enclosure with dry conditions at appropriate temperatures, then there should very rarely be any problems concerning their health.
Your hedgehog should be observed for any signs of parasites, sudden aggression, or loose stools, as these can cause discomfort or indicate further stress.
If you believe that there is something worng, the best thing to do would be to contact your veterinarian.
Serious Illness
These illnesses are not all that affect hedgehogs, and are not very common problems that are seen, but they can be fatal without much warning, so it is essential that you handle your hedgie frequently so that you can easily distinguish new symptoms.
Tumors are usually pretty noticeable as lumps underneath the skin. If you notice any such lumps then you should contact your vet. Tumors can be a common problem for both hedgehogs in the wild and captivity. It is also difficult to breed against tumors as they develop when the hedgehogs are older, and usually not when they are young.
Fatty liver disease is a very important concern for hedgehogs. The easiest way to detect early signs of FLD is by looking for yellowing on the skin of the under-arms or belly. As the disease progresses, the hedgehog may become very lazy or stop eating. The causes of FLD may be due to a poor diet without proper exercise or possibly genetic.
Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome is one of the most devastating diseases found in hedgehogs. It is a recessive genetic trait, so it is essential that all breeders breed against this. The disease is similar to MS in humans and results in the loss of motor functions in hedgehogs.
WHS is commonly misdiagnosed both by owners and veterinarians, as it can only be determined after the hedgehog passes away and has a neocropsy done. For example: dehydration, vertigo, inner ear infections etc. cause wobbliness in hedgehogs but is not an indication of WHS.
The symptoms are very progressive and usually start with wobbly motion, usually starting with the hind legs. The hedgehog will then lose the ability to use its hind legs. From there the hedgehog will also lose function in the front limbs as the disease progresses until they no longer have any control of their motor functions.Consult your veterinarian if you notice any signs or symptoms.
If a necropsy is performed on a hedgehog that was believed to have had WHS, and then and it is determined that is so, then you need to contact the breeder and let them know so that they can know that the parent hedgehogs may carry it genetically.